Top 10 Questions To Ask Before Starting A Physical Therapy Program

Do you need Physical Therapy, but don’t know where to start? We've got you covered! Below are the Top 10 questions to ask before ever starting a PT program. Because if it’s not a good fit, it will not work as well as it should!

1.  Is this the right therapist? 

Like with most things, if you don’t find the right person to help you, you may not have a good experience, or worse, may not even get better.  Ideally, make sure they come recommended from someone you trust, or that you use a review platform like Google or Yelp to help vet them. 

Also, as Physical Therapists, most of us got into this because we love to help.  In doing so, getting to know the client and making sure we are a good fit by first talking with them over the phone is key towards your success.  If the potential PT isn’t willing to hop on a quick phone call to address any concerns, you probably don’t want that PT. 

And lastly, go with your gut.  Someone can have all the certifications and degrees in the world, but if, at the end of the day, you don’t feel comfortable with them, and/or they aren’t taking your needs into consideration, you will probably not get the results you want and will waste a lot of time and money.

2.      Do I need therapy for this? 

The answer is usually yes.  Ideally, we would see people on a preventative basis, but we get it; life happens.  However, we do not want it to evolve into a condition that is limiting your quality of life and/or something that may require surgery. 

Most musculoskeletal conditions (and some neurological conditions) completely resolve with conservative treatment; and the earlier treatment is sought, the better the outcomes.  Worst case scenario, you are seen for 1 visit and are given the peace of mind that there is nothing to worry about.  Best case scenario, your issue is fixed and now you have the confidence and tools to prevent future injury.


3.      What is my problem? 

As PTs, we are highly trained in diagnosing musculoskeletal conditions and ruling out more sinister conditions.  As such, a great PT should be able to accurately identify what your problem may or may not be, and the correct course of action to take.  This should all occur during the evaluation on day one.  Furthermore, constant rev-evaluation should be taking place throughout your visits to ensure you are on track towards your goals.


4.      How long will it take? 

A great therapist will set you up for success by outlining their plan for you, including an estimated time frame of when to expect to be done.  This keeps you informed of the process and how you are going to maximize your results! 


5.      What should you expect from your therapist? 

You should expect clear and upfront communication about your condition as well as any potential barriers to care.  From day one, the therapist should have a good understanding of your goals, your condition, and how you will reach your goals.  You should always be able to ask questions about, and make decisions on, anything related to your care.


6.      What should your therapist expect from you? 

As therapists, we hold our clients accountable to do the exercises as prescribed and provide us feedback as needed.  Sometimes, we may have to tweak exercises due to flare ups or unforeseen circumstances, but it is always best to know this as soon as possible so we can work together to quickly address and resolve the issue.


7.      Will my sessions be painful? 

Pain is a very important guide for the body.  You may be sore as you gain back mobility and strength, but this should last only 24-48 hours and should not increase your same pain symptoms.  If it is does, then let your therapist know so that the treatments can be adjusted as needed.


8.      What should I bring with me? 

To the first session, make sure you bring your ID and insurance card to check in with, as well as any imaging and medication lists that you feel may be helpful to the therapist (though this is not required).  Also wear comfortable clothing so that the therapist can properly evaluate you.


9.      How long will the sessions last? 

Sessions should average about an hour to maximize care


10.   How much will it cost? 

This varies depending on your insurance coverage and/or if you’ve met your deductible.  Depending on the clinic they may or may not verify your insurance coverage for you.  It is always best to know your insurance coverage upfront so you are not surprised by any outstanding bills later. 

However, regardless of insurance coverage, getting the proper care now will inevitably save you money down the road by preventing your ailment from getting worse.

This is not by any means an exhaustive list, but it is a great start to make sure you are getting the most out of your care! If you are wanting to know questions about your specific injury, feel free to give us a call or talk to your healthcare provider.

Best Regards,

Dr. James


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